Government Launches Free Passport Scheme
The government of Pakistan initiated a free passport scheme for citizens of the border town of Chaman, opposite Afghanistan. This is especially targeting its citizens who cannot afford it amid the government imposing a ruling that requires cross-border movements to be done with valid travel documents. For the 5,000 individuals earmarked for the free passport scheme, this essential paperwork will enable them to travel abroad.
Initiation of Program and Information
Quetta Commissioner Hamza Shafqat formally inaugurated the free passport program in the presence of prominent individuals such as Brigadier Shakeel Ahmed, Commandant, and Deputy Commissioner Habib Ahmad Bangalzai. The event also included the participation of tribal leaders and merchants who helped distribute the free passport program to the community. The government thinks that this step will reduce the burden of fees on the local people and help them more in crossing the border for work and commerce. It is launched to benefit the deprived society.
- The inauguration ceremony was also attended by local authorities including Deputy Commissioner and Brigadier Shakeel Ahmed.
- The free passport program was distributed by the tribal leaders and the merchants.
کوئٹہ کے کمشنر حمزہ شفقات نے مفت پاسپورٹ پروگرام کی باقاعدہ افتتاحی تقریب کی، جس میں بریگیڈیئر شکیل احمد، کمانڈنٹ، ڈپٹی کمشنر حبیب احمد بنگلزئی اور قبائلی رہنماؤں سمیت تاجروں نے شرکت کی۔ یہ پروگرام مقامی لوگوں پر فیسوں کے بوجھ کو کم کرنے اور سرحد پار کام اور تجارت کے لیے ان کی نقل و حرکت کو آسان بنانے کے لیے شروع کیا گیا ہے۔ حکومت کا مقصد اس اقدام کے ذریعے محروم طبقے کو فائدہ پہنچانا ہے۔ افتتاحی تقریب میں مقامی حکام اور تاجروں نے پاسپورٹس کی تقسیم میں فعال طور پر حصہ لیا تاکہ عوام تک آسانی سے رسائی فراہم کی جا سکے۔
Overview of thefree passport program
Target Population The scheme especially targets the residents of Chaman, a district heavily affected by the border controls. The number of free passport program issued will be 20,000 free e-passports to eligible residents. It aims at making it easier for the population since not everyone can afford to pay fees. Date of Implementation: There have been recent local official campaigns to issue these passports.
Application Process
According to a new government scheme, those wanting to avail themselves should do so under these guidelines:
The program targeted poor people and workers adversely impacted by the one document policy, which mandated crossing both borders of Pakistan-Afghanistan with legitimate traveling documents
Application Procedure
- Passport Office Chaman: As far as the new policy goes, this office of the passport has opened to make available e-passports for all applicants. Bring the required identification documents for verification of eligibility for a free passport.
- Free Visa: Eligible individuals may also receive a free visa to ensure that there is easy movement across borders.
- Government Support: The government is paying for all passport fees associated with individuals who qualify under this scheme, and thus financial constraints do not prevent access to passports.
- More Support: The government has provided Rs. 900 million under the Benazir Income Support Programme to the poor residents of Chaman, which will further help the needy applicants.
- Launch Ceremony: The scheme was launched by Quetta Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat and other local officers, who said that the government is committed to giving maximum support to the residents. Residents who need further details or have specific questions are encouraged to contact local government offices or directly visit the Office.
Benefits of Free Passport
- Financial Relief: It brings financial relief to underprivileged citizens who cannot afford passports; everyone gets access to vital traveling documents without the expense.
- Facilitated Mobility: It provides passports, which means that residents can travel legally across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, an important requirement for cross-border traders and laborers.
- Enhanced Security: The issuance of passports under this scheme promotes lawful and organized movement across borders, which can help improve security and reduce illegal crossings. This goes in line with the efforts of the government to ensure that border challenges are managed appropriately.
- Access to Visas: Beneficiaries of the free passport enjoy free visas as well. This makes it even easier for them to cross over and work. These dual supports enhance their capability to engage in economic activities.
- Economic Development: It is a component of an overall plan that comprises the Benazir Income Support Program to provide monetary support in which Rs 900 million has been allocated for underprivileged inhabitants. Such funding will increase the living standard and encourage the local economy as well.
- Long-Term Employment Opportunities: Activation of the Chaman Master Plan will be undertaken by the government, which will generate long-term employment opportunities in the region and reduce dependence on cross-border labor. The project is meant to develop sustainable employment opportunities and community stability in the long term.
مفت پاسپورٹ پروگرام غریب شہریوں کو مالی راحت فراہم کرتا ہے، تاکہ وہ بغیر کسی خرچ کے ضروری سفری دستاویزات حاصل کر سکیں۔ یہ پروگرام پاکستان-افغانستان سرحد کے پار قانونی طور پر نقل و حرکت کو آسان بناتا ہے، خاص طور پر تاجروں اور محنت کشوں کے لیے۔ اس اقدام سے سرحدی سیکیورٹی میں بہتری آتی ہے اور غیر قانونی کراسنگز کو کم کیا جاتا ہے۔ مفت ویزے بھی دیے جاتے ہیں، جو کام کے مواقع کو مزید آسان بناتے ہیں۔ بنزیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے تحت 900 ملین روپے کی رقم اقتصادی ترقی اور مقامی معیشت کے فروغ میں مدد دے گی۔ چمن ماسٹر پلان طویل مدتی روزگار کے مواقع پیدا کرے گا۔
Financial Support
They’ll also pay for the cost of visas, which for the poorest beneficiaries will be issued free, so qualifying citizens can again cross borders without having the cost of obtaining a passport or visa weighing them down. “Now, every citizen will count under this government,” Brigadier Shakeel Ahmed said during its launch. Free passports are issued to those who are unable to pay for them, and this scheme tries to ensure that travel facilities are equally made available to everyone. Free visas are also issued to the poorest of citizens.
- The state is bearing the cost of passports for the citizens who cannot afford them.
- This scheme aims at providing equal travel facilities for all the citizens.
Community Support
Aside from the issuance of passports, the government has committed Rs 900 million to the poor residents of it through the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). This financial support enabled the poorest families to cater to their basic needs. Furthermore, the government would launch the Master Plan, which would open more job opportunities and sustainable economic growth for the region. The BISP distribution and the upcoming Master Plan are part of the government’s broader strategy to uplift the local community. Rs900 million has been given to the most deprived citizens through BISP. The Chaman Master Plan will provide new employment opportunities for the residents. This combination of initiatives aims to provide both immediate relief and long-term solutions.
Addressing Border Issues
The border is an important crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and it faces problems due to the new one-document policy. In this system, a passport is required for every border crossing, which creates difficulties for laborers and traders who don’t have passports. However, with the free passport program, residents will be able to continue to cross the border for employment and commerce without worrying about costly fees. The one-document system has brought a sense of urgency to using passports in Chaman.
- With this opportunity citizens will be able to meet the new travel requirements.
- The program helps tackle problems faced by border town residents due to travel restrictions.
پاکستان اور افغانستان کے درمیان سرحد پر نئی ایک دستاویز پالیسی کے تحت ہر کراسنگ کے لیے پاسپورٹ کی ضرورت ہے، جو محنت کشوں اور تاجروں کے لیے مشکلات پیدا کرتا ہے۔ مفت پاسپورٹ پروگرام اس مسئلے کا حل پیش کرتا ہے، جس سے رہائشی بغیر مالی مشکلات کے کام اور تجارت کے لیے سرحد عبور کر سکیں گے۔ یہ پروگرام سرحدی علاقے کے شہریوں کو سفری ضروریات پورا کرنے میں مدد فراہم کرتا ہے، اور پابندیوں کی وجہ سے درپیش مشکلات کو کم کرتا ہے۔
Distributing Process
The process of providing Scheme for passports in Chaman, Pakistan, under the government scheme will involve the following:
- Eligibility and Target Group: The Scheme for passports is aimed to support about 20,000 residents who are economically deprived and victimized by the one-document regime introduced along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. This one-document regime demands valid traveling documents at the border.
- Launching of the Scheme: Quetta Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat and other officials, including Commandant Brigadier Shakeel Ahmed, inaugurated the distribution process. This included attendance by local tribal elders and traders, and so indicated community involvement in the scheme.
Sustainable Strategies for Development
While it provides immediate relief, the people are urging the government to focus on sustainable employment. This would reduce their dependence on cross-border employment and strengthen the local economy. The Chaman Master Plan, currently in development, is expected to create employment and improve infrastructure, thereby developing the economy of the region and reducing dependence on cross-border travel for employment. The residents challenge the government to employ measures that can reduce reliance on jobs in neighboring countries through the promotion of local employment opportunities.
In short, the government’s Free Passport Scheme for the citizens of Chaman is a much-needed step that will ease the burden of the cost of travel documents on those who cannot afford them. Besides the financial assistance provided by BISP and the establishment of the Chaman Master Plan, the government is taking steps to address the short-term and long-term problems faced by the community. Although the Free Passport Scheme initiative will help citizens comply with the new border regulations, it is only through sustainable job opportunities that there will be long-term growth and stability in the region.